Family Sessions

At Frodsham, we recognise the importance of forming positive relationships with all of our families. We offer many different events each year for parents/carers and the wider family to become involved in. Sessions range from information sessions,  leaning sessions, celebrations and fun filled sessions. 


So far this year we have offered: 

Parents maths workshop with Weaver Vale Housing- Money Matters 

Parents Maths Workshop- Delivered by our maths lead how to make maths fun!

Parents curriculum session- See what your child is learning this year 

Book look event every 6 weeks- Come and see your child's learning! 

Invites to weekly celebration assembly 

Coffee morning each half term with Head of School

Coffee morning with SEND focus with our SENCO

Careers Fair- Families welcome to attend

Phonics workshop for EYFS parents 

EYFS stay and play 

Assembly invites

Sports day- parental involvement 

Family readers in school 

World Book Day assembly