
On behalf of Pupils, Staff and Governors, I would like to welcome you to Frodsham Primary Academy. We are located in beautiful grounds, with a large outdoor playing field and a forest school. Our school is aspirational; providing a quality education for all children with high expectations of behaviour, academic and personal success. Our children are encouraged to do their very best in a caring and supportive environment where they feel valued, happy and secure.

We have forged strong links with our community and our families and put children at the heart of every decision that is made. We are proud of the inclusive nature of our school where every child is valued as an individual and recognised for their unique talents and gifts.

Our children engage with exciting learning opportunities both within and outside the classroom. Our curriculum ensures enrichment is planned to enable first hand experiences at every available opportunity. We actively encourage the children to partake in a range of competitive sporting events within the local community to develop their resilience and to feel a sense of achievement.

Our children are happy and eager learners and I am confident that you would find our school to be a welcoming and inviting setting for your child’s education. We would be delighted to take you on a tour of our school. We have availability in some year groups. Please contact the school office to book an appointment.

I look forward to meeting you and your family

Mrs G Callaghan

Head of School